Social Media and The Workplace

The topic of social media and its effects on the workplace have likely come up in your organization. As a relatively new topic in case-law, social media and its place in the workplace is still unsettled. What can you do to protect yourself as an individual and as an organization?

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Job Hunting? Clean Up Your Online Presence First!

Are you ready to begin a job search? Before spending hours completing the perfect resume, locating interview attire, and searching the countless job boards, take some time to clean up your online presence first. According to, as many as 68% of employers will locate you on Facebook alone. Does your Facebook profile resemble the same person you are trying to portray in an interview?


About 1 in 3 employers have rejected a candidate based upon what they learned about them online. Often times your professional strengths, accomplishments, and skill set can be overshadowed by content or photographs located online; quickly costing you your dream job. So what can you do to protect yourself?

  • ·         Make your non-professional profiles private. Create separate profiles for your professional and non-professional social networks and keep non-professional profiles private.

  • Make sure your professional profiles sell you. Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Make sure it is complete with endorsements, a professional photo, detailed information about your duties and accomplishments, and is connected to others in your field.
  • Network. Network. Network. Take advantage of social networks. Connect and more importantly interact with others in your line of work. Participating in groups, answering questions, and posting content that is relevant to your line of business will all help you gain professional rapport and be seen as a knowledgeable in your field. Let those around you know that you are open to career opportunities and let your social networks work for you.
  • Check and re-check your online presence. Before you make the assumption that you have cleaned up your social profiles, test it. Have others search for you and see what they are able to view on your profile. Don’t forget about profiles that may exist on sites that you no longer use such as Myspace. Lastly, don’t forget to run an online search including an image search for yourself. This is a great way to locate any forgotten profiles, tagged photos, etc.

While companies are struggling nationwide to obtain the top talent in their industry, most are not willing to take a chance on someone with an online presence that could damage their professional image. Taking a few moments to prepare before marketing yourself could make the difference between yourself and another candidate landing your dream job.

Are you a stand out professional, skilled trades person, or technical professional seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job seekers section for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

Finding A Recruiter Who Works For You!

Whether you are seeking a new career path or are seeking to hire the newest talent for your organization, finding a recruiter who works for you, not with you will make or break your experience. A recruiter should work as your agent and should exhibit the same qualities that a sports agent provides their talent.


Not sure how to qualify your recruiter?

Here are some simple steps to get you started.

  • Determine their qualifications. The recruiting industry has the highest turnover rate of any industry with approximately 90% turnover within the first year.  Recruiters makeup a large majority of the profiles on LinkedIn, if your recruiter does not have an active and complete profile with a large number of connections take caution.  A recruiter’s LinkedIn profile is an excellent place to pre-qualify them. Do you they specialize in your line of work? How long have they been in the industry? The longer they have been in their role the larger the network and career opportunities or top level talent they can connect you with.


  • Conduct a mutual interview. A proven recruiter should be confident, almost arrogant about their abilities. If they aren’t able to sell themselves how can they sell your qualifications as a candidate or sell your position and organization to the industry’s top performers? Simple, they can’t. Be perfectly clear about what your priorities are and what items would make or break the perfect match for you. Inquire as to what their network in your industry looks like and what types of similar positions they have filled in the past.


  • Make sure their greatest strength is listening. If the recruiter is more focused on talking than listening, they’ll likely miss important details that are crucial to making the right fit for you. Make sure they ask you great questions, take notes, and have an attention to detail. Finding the perfect match can’t be done if they don’t have the details needed to make the match.


  • They should be busy. Especially with the recent surge in staffing, if your recruiter is available to take your every call that may not be a good sign. The staffing industry has seen a consistent surge since the economic recovery, if your recruiter excels in their field they should be extremely busy balancing candidates and clients.  While they should be busy, they should also set clear expectations of when they are available and how best to reach them.

 As with any business partner, if you feel that you are not connecting well with your recruiter it may be time to look at other options. Often times the best way to locate a top notch recruiter is to seek referrals from others in your line of business. As many as 90% of companies have partnered with a staffing agency in the past for recruiting support, therefore it’s very likely that you know someone who has hired a recruiter in the past for recruiting services or that you know someone who has located a position through a recruiter.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

Trillium Staffing Awarded By 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For

Trillium Staffing is proud to announce their repeated recognition with West Michigan’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies To Work For, in 2013. The awards competition provides the regional business community with the opportunity to showcase their best practices and demonstrate why they are an ideal place for employees to work. The awards are presented to organizations based on nominations and direct feedback from employees of each organization.

trillium“We have the same commitments to each and every one of our employees as we do our clients. We have high expectations and our requirements are stringent. Once you become an employee of Trillium, we’ll do everything in our power to help you succeed and meet your career goals. When our employees are successful, we’ve done our job,” stated René Poch, CEO.


Trillium Staffing was founded in 1984 in Battle Creek, Michigan by CEO René Poch and has expanded to include six companies and over eighty offices nationwide. Trillium has gained national recognition including recent awards from Staffing Industry Analysts for achieving top 25 placement in the Largest U.S. Industrial Staffing Firms and top 70 placement in the Largest U.S. Staffing Firms.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.


Trillium Staffing Owned By René Poch, Recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts

René Poch founder and CEO of Trillium Staffing, recently announced that Trillium was listed in the top 25 of Staffing Industry Analysts’ 2013 List of Largest U.S. Industrial Staffing Firms and in the top 70 of their 2013 List of Largest U.S. Staffing Firms!

Trillium Corporate Office 002SIA_2013Lrgst_Indstrl



Trillium Staffing was founded in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1984, by founder and CEO René Poch. Since that time, René Poch has steadily expanded the employment service to include six companies with over eighty locations across the nation. Today, Trillium is proud to be recognized as a national leader in industrial staffing, providing service to thousands of clients and employees in various capacities across the country. Trillium was recently recognized in the top 25 of Largest U.S. Industrial Staffing Firms and in the top 100 of U.S. Staffing Firms by Staffing Industry Analysts for 2013.

“Many years ago when we started the company we felt that there were a couple of things that we needed to do particularly well. The first was to give great customer service, that means finding the absolute best candidate for the jobs that we have available. Today, we use a partnership approach between our candidates and our clients to find the best possible career matches,” states René Poch, CEO.

The organization’s commitment to excellence has been the driving force behind its growth and expansion. Trillium is proud to employ a full time risk management team to help clients identify areas of liability and provide an unsurpassed safety program for their employees. As experts in industrial staffing, Trillium has incorporated stringent hiring requirements, testing, and background checks to ensure only the best qualified skilled trades employees are placed on assignment with their thousands of clients nationwide. Trillium’s commitment to placing only the safest and most qualified talent on assignment provides not only Trillium, but also our employees and our clients with added protection and security. Prior to being placed on an industrial assignment, Trillium employees complete a comprehensive safety training. “There really are no accidents, awareness is the key! You don’t get injured because you are aware of the hazard,” commented Jamie Ellis, Safety Manager for Trillium.

With a recruitment team of approximately 250 individuals nationwide, Trillium excels at attracting, identifying, and recruiting some of the best candidates in each line of work. Trillium uses the latest technology and sourcing tools available to locate and identify talent for some of the industry’s hardest to fill positions. Trillium employees have access to careers with some of the nation’s leading employers along with competitive pay and benefit options.

“We have the same commitments to each and every one of our employees as we do our clients. We have high expectations and our requirements are stringent. Once you become an employee of Trillium, we’ll do everything in our power to help you succeed and meet your career goals. When our employees are successful, we’ve done our job,” stated René Poch, CEO.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.


Hiring for Temporary and Contract Workers Is Up 21%

Are you looking to add temporary or contract workers to your staff? If so, you join an estimated 31% of employers in the United States. Hiring for temporary and contract workers saw a spike in 2012 across the U.S. and those numbers are up an additional 21% from last year.


While employer confidence continues to grow following the recession, many hiring managers are still unsure of long term projections and look to temporary and contract staff to assist during peak seasons. As many as 44% of employers plan to hire on additional full-time employees by year end in 2013, many in addition to temporary staff.

What positions are most in-demand for temporary or contract staff? According to Forbes, they include:

  • Team Assemblers
  • Office Clerks
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • HR, Training, and Labor Relations Specialists
  • Registered Nurses
  • Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants
  • Home Health Aides
  • Maintenance and Repair Workers
  • Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers
  • Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers
  • Sales Representatives
  • Computer Support Specialists
  • Computer Programmers
  • Accountants and Auditors
  • Business Operations Specialists
  • Electricians
  • Sales Representatives in Wholesale and Manufacturing

With the in-demand positions ranging from light industrial through professional roles, there are a wide range of opportunities for those seeking employment.

Whether you are seeking employment or seeking temporary or contract workers for your company, choosing the right staffing partner can make or break your experience. Be sure to partner with a staffing agency who specializes in your line of work, is currently representing both clients and candidates in searches in your line of work, and is well established.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

IT Job Growth Reaches Another Record High!

Are you seeking IT talent? If so, you join most of the country! IT jobs in the U.S. rose again in June to reach another record high of almost 4.5 million jobs according to TechServe Alliance.


While the growth of IT jobs has remained consistent over the past few years, it appears the end is not in sight. The growing demand for top level IT talent stems from a multitude of factors including the increased use of technology in manufacturing, the downsizing of entry level administrative positions, and the increased use of the internet for marketing, research, and development.

Employers nationwide are scrambling to fill entry level to management level information technology positions, allowing candidates to be in the driver’s seat of their career path. In order to attract the experienced IT professionals needed in today’s employment market, employers must offer a competitive salary and benefits package that may differ greatly from what they are accustomed to offering in the past.

IT professionals are leading the surge with remote or virtual employment. Naturally, the nature of their work allows more flexibility and is better suited than some other roles for working outside of the traditional workplace. As many as 65% of companies are now allowing at least some remote work, a number that appears to grow with the size of the organization.

In addition to working remotely, IT candidates appear to be attracted to sign on bonuses, technology allowances, and flexible scheduling. If you are struggling to locate IT talent, you may consider offering additional benefits or perks to attract today’s top talent or partnering with an industry experienced recruitment firm. One thing remains clear, the recruitment of IT professionals is going to only increase in difficulty in the foreseeable future.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.


Hiring Administrative Professionals?

Are you hiring administrative professionals? Hiring managers across the country are finding difficulty in hiring administrative assistants, executive assistants, and administrative coordinators due to several factors. Are you one of them?

stockxpertcom_id8597492_size3Employers are who facing increased difficulty in recruiting qualified administrative professionals are often finding the following factors as obstacles:

  • Pay rates. Have you experienced sticker shock when viewing candidates’ desired pay rates? It may be time to re-evaluate your pay ranges. Many administrative professionals have taken on additional duties with workplace shortages resulting in more qualified and skilled administrative staff than what was often available in the past. With budget cuts, staff reductions, and attrition, many employers were forced to have their administrative staff cross trained and responsible for duties that were previously covered by multiple individuals in the office. The great news is the talent available today for administrative positions is more qualified, experienced, and diverse in their skills than ever before.
  • Candidate drive. Are you finding a decreased level of interest in entry level positions? You’re not alone. Today’s technology has contributed to building a workforce that is less likely to be content with positions that do not offer a wide variety of duties and may experience an increased amount of down time on the job. Technology has resulted in individuals multitasking  throughout their day both on and off of the job, resulting in a pool of candidates who prefer to be busy, engaged, and moving forward. As employers, we should take this opportunity to see what additional duties, functions, and responsibilities could be integrated into our more entry level positions to attract and maintain a more driven administrative workforce.
  • Overqualified candidates. Is there really such a thing? Not really. As long as a candidate meets the qualifications for the position and is willing to work in the pay range that your organization has established is appropriate for the workload, you should not overlook them. Experienced candidates can bring valuable insight to the position, assist with process improvement, and often require less time and resources during the training and on boarding process. Keep in mind that regardless of the amount of experience a candidate has or their previous pay scales, there is no guarantee that any employee will remain with your company for an extended period of time. Ruling out valuable talent based on your fear of them leaving you, will likely cost you more in the long run.

Often times our recruiting struggles can be offset with some assessments of what we are requiring of candidates for the position and what we as employers are willing to offer to obtain the right talent for the position. Remaining flexible and open minded about the opportunities for your clerical and administrative positions can greatly assist you in finding the right fit for your organization, often times providing more value than you had originally hoped for in the role.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.


Your Employees Are Looking To Leave!

Do you think your employees are happy with their current career? Think again! A recent study by University of Phoenix found that may not be the case. The continuous improvement of economic conditions and the increased career opportunities in most industries, has assisted in the increase of passive candidates. So who are these passive candidates?

  • 78% of workers in their 20’s are interested in changing careers
  • 64% of workers in their 30’s are interested in changing careers
  • 54% of workers in their 40’s are interested in changing careers
  • 51% of workers in their 50’s are interested in changing careers
  • 26% of workers who are in their 60’s or older are interested in changing careers


With such a large majority of the workforce interested in making a career change, maintaining your strongest performers can be an uphill battle. The struggle to locate top level talent has resulted in many employers offering a multitude of incentives to locate strong performers including referral bonuses, larger relocation packages, sign on bonuses, and other perks making the decision to leave a current employer more appealing for some candidates who may be on the fence about making a career change. So what can you do to maintain your team?

The high costs attributed to employee turnover far outweigh the costs of most employee retention and appreciation programs. If your organization does not engage in an employee retention program, now is a great time to consider employing one!

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

Maintaining A Strong Rapport With Your Staff

When was the last time that you connected with your team on an individual level? Do you take time outside of your usual performance review process to acknowledge and connect with them? If not, you should. Maintaining a strong rapport with your staff is a critical part to managing and advancing your team and their efforts.


A strong rapport with your staff can reveal inefficiencies in the organization, departmental processes, and help to identify issues within your staff that may result in turnover if adjustments are not made. Communicating openly and regularly with your staff also allows for the generation and implementation of new ideas, guidance opportunities, and employee recognition. Not sure where to start or how to fit it in with your other countless duties? Here are a few quick tips:

  • First and foremost you have to make it a priority. As with anything on your to-do list, if you don’t make it a priority chances are you won’t make time to meet with your staff. Mark it on your calendar as any other important appointment and stick to it.
  • Keep it simple. Sometimes informal meetings can be even more productive and revealing than a structured meeting or progress meeting. Step outside of the office to a mutually comfortable setting such as a restaurant or coffee shop and make yourself available and free from distractions such as your phone and email.
  • Prepare for the discussion and remain open minded. Do your homework. Be sure to acknowledge specific accomplishments your employee has achieved since your last meeting. Be open to their feedback, both positive and negative. Often times the best ideas, changes, and suggestions come from those who work in the trenches day in and day out. Remain objective and avoid becoming defensive of any constructive criticism.
  • Make a follow up plan. Did you discuss ideas or changes that may need to take place? Are there things that you may need to investigate further or additional tools that may be helpful to the team? Be realistic and up front with what your team member can expect from you. Give them a timeline in which you plan to consider the points of your discussion and when they will hear back from you. Create an action plan for simple executable items to get the ball rolling.
  • Thank them. Make sure your employee understands that you appreciate them making the time to meet with you and let them know the best times for them to reach out to you if they have things that they would like to discuss further. If your staff feels that the meeting was something done out of obligation rather than a genuine interest in their development at the organization, they’ll be less likely to engage with you in the future.

Even the best leaders and managers can experience failure if they don’t have the support and dedication of a strong team behind them. Keep in mind that every member of your staff brings an added value to your organization and deserves recognition and acknowledgement on a regular basis. For more information on employee recognition, click here.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.