The Applicant's Investment In The Interview

Generally speaking, most hiring managers have a good idea of what they have invested in an interview considering time and resources. Have you considered your applicant’s investment? If your recruiting efforts leave you struggling to book interviews, now may be a good time to reconsider what your applicant is being asked to commit to.


Whether you are overbooking interviews or struggling to book them at all, take a moment to consider what an applicant has invested in the interview. With many hiring managers and recruiters targeting passive candidates or finding that many of their qualified applicants are currently employed, your applicant may be investing more than you have initially considered. Here are just a few of the investments an employed candidate may have made in order to interview with you:

  • Hourly compensation
  • Vacation or sick time
  • Time away from their current workload that they’ll likely have to make up another time
  • Jeopardized their current employment
  • Made arrangements to have others assist with their duties in their absence

Even if the applicant is a salaried employee and has been able to use paid time off to participate in the interview they have given you valuable time that they could have used for other occasions. Now consider the likelihood of them landing the position.

If you already have hesitations about their qualifications for the position, you may want to reconsider asking them to commit to the interview considering their investment in doing so. If you are struggling to attract candidates to attend an interview consider alternatives such as phone interviews, off-site interviews, after hours interviews, or video interviews to accommodate their schedules.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

Have You Mastered Recruiting But Not Hiring?

If you haven’t learned the difference between recruiting and hiring, now is the time. While recruiting involves the process of locating, identifying, screening, attracting, and evaluating talent; hiring involves the conversion of candidate to employee. Unfortunately, many companies are unable to close the deal in time to convert an applicant to an employee before they are recruited away to other opportunities. How can you protect yourself from losing valuable talent?


While the hiring process involves crucial steps and processes, building a smooth system can eliminate costly downtime and turnover. Studies have shown as many as 58% of employees who take part in a structured hiring process are more likely to be with the company three years later. Here are just a few tools that can help you build a structured hiring program!

  • Online applications
  • Strong applicant tracking system
  • A streamlined onboarding process
  • A structured training program
  • Regular performance reviews including in the new hire period

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

Are Your Employees Job Hunting On The Clock?

Are your employees looking to make a career move? A recent study released by Robert Half International Inc. found that as many as 48% of employees between the ages of 18 and 34 said that they are likely to conduct job-search activities at work. Even the most flexible of employers are likely not going to be excited by this statistic. What can you do to prevent your employees from seeking new opportunities, especially while on the job?

 Gift by front door

  • Communicate regularly. Do you regularly meet with individual staff members to discuss their careers, ambitions, and frustrations? If not, you should. Many workplace issues and frustrations can be addressed in a simple meeting. You may learn of current team members that would be interested and qualified for other opportunities within the organization.
  • Recognize regularly. Regularly provide feedback to your employees on their progress, achievements, and contributions to the organization. Sometimes simple forms of recognition such as a thank you card, email, or recognition in front of the team can be the motivation your staff needs to remain engaged with the company.
  • Reward regularly. How do you motivate your staff to excel? A strong employee recognition program including awards, bonuses, gift cards, or free lunches show your employees that your organization is committed to keeping them happy and rewarding them for their efforts.

As the market remains tight for top level talent, keeping your top performers happy and engaged is critical. Click here for more information on employee retention.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.


Are You Using Truck-Specific GPS?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is continuing their efforts to help drivers reduce bridge strikes and other dangerous accidents by distributing cards to truck drivers warning of the dangers that can arise from using GPS units meant for non-commercial and smaller vehicles.


The FMCSA has posted warnings on their site and continues to bring awareness to the dangers that come from using improper equipment. A 2009 study found that about 80% of bridge strikes in New York were a result of large vehicles using the wrong navigation devices. With simple prevention, drivers can avoid these life threatening accidents that often result in serious injuries, heavy equipment damage, costly road repairs, and long delays for other motorists. Click here for a copy of the FMCSA’s GPS Selection Guide for CMV’s.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.


Job Postings That Work!

Are you frustrated with the number of job postings that you’ve posted only to find you still don’t have qualified candidates? Are your monthly charges to job boards beginning to look like they need a P&L of their own? Now’s the time to fix it!


With online job boards including millions of job postings each year, standing out among the competition is essential. The days of simply putting an ad in the newspaper resulting in stacks of resumes are gone. Today’s job postings must include several key components including:

  • SEO Value: If you aren’t familiar with SEO, you’re already behind in the game. SEO or Search Engine Optimization, refers to the content or structure of online content so that it will be prominently displayed by a search engine. Making sure that your job posting is rich in SEO value is the key to making sure that your job posting is even located by candidates. SEO value can be gained through strong and prominent keywords, exact location matches, and relevance between the content in your posting and what the job seeker is searching for. The more you have in common with their search statement, the more likely they are to find your posting.
  • Content is the key. No matter how great your SEO value is or how many candidates land on your posting, if the content in your posting doesn’t sell the position it won’t matter. The posting should include industry buzz words, specific qualifications, and enough information for a candidate to determine whether or not they are qualified for the position.
  • Is your job posting visually pleasing? According to HireRight, 75% of job seekers say the look and feel of a job posting influences their decision to apply. Make sure that your job posting visually appeals to the audience. Is it free of errors, includes important details, and is it easy to read through quickly? Most job seekers will not take the time to read a full length job description, make sure your posting includes the important details and nothing more.
  • Sell your job! Why would someone want to work for you? What sets a career with your organization apart from your competitors? This may be your only chance to sell a career with your company to the candidate, make sure you do it well! Include valuable information about your benefits, employment brand, and enough information about your organization that a candidate can see why a career opportunity with your organization is something they should be interested in.

The battle for top talent is becoming increasingly harder in most industries. Maintaining a strong employment brand, a great employee retention program, and a proactive recruiting strategy are all great ways to stay ahead of your competition in the recruiting field.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

Social Media and The Workplace

The topic of social media and its effects on the workplace have likely come up in your organization. As a relatively new topic in case-law, social media and its place in the workplace is still unsettled. What can you do to protect yourself as an individual and as an organization?

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Job Demands Increase with ACA

Have the changes coming forth with the Affordable Care Act impacted your career? If so, you are not alone. Here are a few careers in which job demands have and will continue to increase, as a result of the ACA.

  • Human Resources
  • Payroll
  • Legal Professionals
  • Nurses
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Personal Trainers
  • Customer Service Professionals
  • Insurance Consultants
  • Medical Billers
  • Medical Coders
  • Computer Programmers

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

Your Employees and Social Media Engagement

Do you think that your social media policy is preventing the unauthorized use of social media during the workday? While implementing a social media policy is a great step in the right direction, most social networkers will continue to engage during the workday regardless.


According to a recent release from the Ethics Resource Center, as many as 72% of social networkers spent a portion of their workday on social networks, with a third of those reporting their activity as not work related. With access through company computers, tablets, and their mobile devices your employees have a variety of ways to access their social networks with or without being tracked. As many as 39% of those categorized as active social networks reported remaining connected the entire day! What does this mean for your organization?

As with any distraction, social media engagement for non-work related purposes will have an effect on productivity and eventually your bottom line. For those who remain connected for larger portions of the day, the likelihood of information about their work day, clients, projects, co-workers, and other work related information is likely to surface in their posts and engagements. Posts including derogatory statements, proprietary information, and other sensitive information could cause great loss and damages to your company. So what can you do?

With 38% of social networkers reporting use of personal devices exclusively, management and vigilance are an employer’s best chance of controlling unauthorized social media engagement in the workplace. Having policies in place and enforced that clearly define the expectations for social media and the use of personal devices during the workday are a great starting point. Work with your managers and supervisors to identify signs of social media misuse such as loss of productivity, loss of engagement, sensitive information going public before formally announced, and employees glued to their mobile devices. Most often, those who are engaged in social media for non-work related purposes during the work day will show signs of poor performance or productivity over time.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

Hiring for Temporary and Contract Workers Is Up 21%

Are you looking to add temporary or contract workers to your staff? If so, you join an estimated 31% of employers in the United States. Hiring for temporary and contract workers saw a spike in 2012 across the U.S. and those numbers are up an additional 21% from last year.


While employer confidence continues to grow following the recession, many hiring managers are still unsure of long term projections and look to temporary and contract staff to assist during peak seasons. As many as 44% of employers plan to hire on additional full-time employees by year end in 2013, many in addition to temporary staff.

What positions are most in-demand for temporary or contract staff? According to Forbes, they include:

  • Team Assemblers
  • Office Clerks
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • HR, Training, and Labor Relations Specialists
  • Registered Nurses
  • Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants
  • Home Health Aides
  • Maintenance and Repair Workers
  • Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers
  • Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers
  • Sales Representatives
  • Computer Support Specialists
  • Computer Programmers
  • Accountants and Auditors
  • Business Operations Specialists
  • Electricians
  • Sales Representatives in Wholesale and Manufacturing

With the in-demand positions ranging from light industrial through professional roles, there are a wide range of opportunities for those seeking employment.

Whether you are seeking employment or seeking temporary or contract workers for your company, choosing the right staffing partner can make or break your experience. Be sure to partner with a staffing agency who specializes in your line of work, is currently representing both clients and candidates in searches in your line of work, and is well established.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

IT Job Growth Reaches Another Record High!

Are you seeking IT talent? If so, you join most of the country! IT jobs in the U.S. rose again in June to reach another record high of almost 4.5 million jobs according to TechServe Alliance.


While the growth of IT jobs has remained consistent over the past few years, it appears the end is not in sight. The growing demand for top level IT talent stems from a multitude of factors including the increased use of technology in manufacturing, the downsizing of entry level administrative positions, and the increased use of the internet for marketing, research, and development.

Employers nationwide are scrambling to fill entry level to management level information technology positions, allowing candidates to be in the driver’s seat of their career path. In order to attract the experienced IT professionals needed in today’s employment market, employers must offer a competitive salary and benefits package that may differ greatly from what they are accustomed to offering in the past.

IT professionals are leading the surge with remote or virtual employment. Naturally, the nature of their work allows more flexibility and is better suited than some other roles for working outside of the traditional workplace. As many as 65% of companies are now allowing at least some remote work, a number that appears to grow with the size of the organization.

In addition to working remotely, IT candidates appear to be attracted to sign on bonuses, technology allowances, and flexible scheduling. If you are struggling to locate IT talent, you may consider offering additional benefits or perks to attract today’s top talent or partnering with an industry experienced recruitment firm. One thing remains clear, the recruitment of IT professionals is going to only increase in difficulty in the foreseeable future.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.