Want to Retain Good Drivers?

Any employer knows it’s far more cost effective to maintain good personnel than it is to hire new. The costs and resources associated with employee turnover, recruitment, and training can quickly impact your bottom line and operating expenses. So how to do you hold on to those safe and professional drivers? Here are a few tips!

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Staff Recognition and Engagement Return

While it is wide known that employee engagement has a direct effect on employee attendance, production levels, and turnover rate; many employers are not sure how to improve employee engagement. Employers juggling tight budgets along with limited time and resources to dedicate to the cause of employee engagement, often put off the process. While increasing employee engagement can seem like a large project, there are several simple and inexpensive ways to promote engagement within your team.

Before integrating an employee engagement process, it’s important to understand the benefits. According to a report by Hewitt Quarterly, organizations with high engagement rates are 78% more productive and 40% more profitable than those organizations with low levels of engagement. In addition to increased productivity and profits, employees are 87% less likely to leave for other opportunities. Promoting employee engagement should be a consistent process and include multiple forms of motivation to encourage employees with a wide range of interests and appreciations.


Here are some simple ways to promote employee engagement:

  • Ask employees what would make them become more engaged in the workplace.
  • Speak with your staff about their career ambitions and find ways to foster those ambitions within your organization.
  • Recognize their performance, not their presence.
  • Recognize and reward employees for outstanding performance with larger opportunities, room for growth, and tokens of appreciation.

As with any program, it is important to regularly monitor the progress and return on investment of your employee engagement program. Metrics on productivity, attendance, turnover, and overall office morale are great indicators. The direct correlation between employee engagement and increased profits and productivity make it a great investment for organizations of any size.

Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of top level talent? Contact us today!  If you are a stand out in your profession and seeking contingent or long term career opportunities, visit our job seekers section for more information!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

How Has Economic Recovery Effected Your Recruitment Efforts?

The shortage of skilled technical manufacturing candidates is undeniable. Manufacturers have had to make drastic changes to their recruiting and candidate attraction practices. Many employers are now offering relocation packages for positions that historically they were able to fill with the ease of placing a newspaper ad. Shockingly, data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the employment numbers in manufacturing are still significantly lower than they have been in the past eight years; despite a large recovery beginning in 2010. What does this mean for the manufacturing industry?

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Employer Based Holiday Party Tips

It’s that time of year! With the year coming to a close and budget planning for the next year beginning, many organizations look forward to holiday parties to help them celebrate successes and recognize their staff for their contributions. Seems harmless right? Actually, employer sponsored holiday parties can open any organization up to undue liabilities. Here are some great ways to protect your employees and your organization, while still enjoying the celebration.

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Are You Looking to Upgrade Your Career?

Are you a standout employee among your peers? Are you looking for an employer who recognizes and rewards strong talent like yourself? Navigating a career search while you’re currently employed can be difficult, consider the following:

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National Boss Day – A Day For Employee Recognition!

Was National Boss Day just another day on your calendar? Have you ever considered utilizing the day as an opportunity to recognize your staff and how their accomplishments have contributed to the success of your organization, regardless of their title? Start today!

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