HS&E And Your Bottom Line

As any contractor knows, safety practices and training are essential to running a successful business. With employees’ exposure to a wide variety of contaminants, potential injuries, and other dangerous situations; experts have proven prevention and training are key components to reducing liabilities and losses. OSHA estimates that employers are paying almost $1 billion per week for direct workers’ compensation costs alone, a cost that clearly states the need for proper Health, Safety, and Environmental training.

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A New Career for The New Year?

Are you considering a new career for yourself in the next year? Has your current position or lack of, left you seeking a new and exciting opportunity?

That’s where we come in!

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Employer Based Holiday Party Tips

It’s that time of year! With the year coming to a close and budget planning for the next year beginning, many organizations look forward to holiday parties to help them celebrate successes and recognize their staff for their contributions. Seems harmless right? Actually, employer sponsored holiday parties can open any organization up to undue liabilities. Here are some great ways to protect your employees and your organization, while still enjoying the celebration.

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What Do You Know About Candidates?

Almost anyone with a background in HR, recruitment, or hiring believes they know a lot about candidates. Right? Here are some interesting facts recently shared by recruiter.com, that may just change your opinions on candidates and how to communicate with them!

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Workforce Planning- What Is Your Greatest Challenge?

Anyone in an HR or hiring role has faced a wide range of workforce planning issues. The balancing act of supply and demand, employee schedules, budgets, and more can be overwhelming. Whether you manage a small department or hire for a large organization, listen up!

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North Dakota: Construction Staffing Shortage

Recent improvements in the economy have made skilled tradespeople increasingly difficult to recruit. This is something the state of North Dakota is all to aware of. While most of the country is still experiencing moderate unemployment rates, the state of North Dakota has had unemployment rates as low as 1-3% this year. Sounds like a good thing right? Not if you ask the employers and contractors seeking talent.

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A Simple Step That Can Save You Thousands Of Dollars Annually!

With annual budgets just around the corner, are you looking for ways to improve spending? Could saving your organization thousands of dollars with little time and resources be of benefit to you? Listen up, we have a solution!

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Are You Looking to Upgrade Your Career?

Are you a standout employee among your peers? Are you looking for an employer who recognizes and rewards strong talent like yourself? Navigating a career search while you’re currently employed can be difficult, consider the following:

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You Have A Project Where?

You’ve landed the project and then the inevitable hits…your project’s location and specialized requirements are not a good fit for the area’s workforce pool. Obviously the best solution for any job site is to have local tradespeople on site. Unfortunately some areas do not have the talent available for specific trades.

That’s where we come in!

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Could Retirees Be The Answer To Your Workforce Gap?

While hiring contingent or temporary staff has been a common practice among hiring managers for decades, the skill sets needed for many of these contingent positions has continued to escalate. While unemployment increased with the downturn of the economy in 2009, most organizations held on to many of their top performers leaving a shortage of skilled workers and professionals included in the unemployment figures. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has ranked contingent work in their top five industries of employment growth.  There is a unique talent pool that has become a growing part of the contingent workforce, have you incorporated them in to your workforce yet?

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