Trucking Automation: What Does it Mean for Commercial Drivers?

As Technology continues to advance in the automotive and trucking industries, the question keeps getting raised; Will Truck Drivers eventually be replaced with self-driving trucks? The short answer, even from tech companies, is no.

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AI and ML to Put the Human Back in Human Resources!

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) continue to be the topic of discussion in 2019, what does this mean for the recruiting process and human resources applications? The hope is simple; that if recruiters and human resources professionals can free up their time from performing the tedious, time consuming activities associated with narrowing down and locating talent, they can focus on building and strengthening the relationships with their potential hires.

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The Gig Economy May Not Be Living Up to the Hype!

According to a new report released by the Labor Department, the gig economy is actually slightly smaller than it used it be. What does this mean? Simply put, there are less workers today considering themselves in contingent or temporary positions overall. Even with all of the hype surrounding non-traditional work including freelancing, the results indicate that within the last 20 years, the US economy has remained largely unchanged in this regard. Ultimately, the report is finding that workers, although they may accept contingent or temporary work for the time being, would still prefer something long term.

Temporary Recruitment

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