Work-Life Balance – Trillium Staffing Your Partner at Work Tue, 16 Jul 2024 19:47:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Feeling Overwhelmed at Work? Try These Tips! /blog/feeling-overwhelmed-at-work-try-these-tips/ /blog/feeling-overwhelmed-at-work-try-these-tips/#respond Tue, 29 Oct 2019 13:14:09 +0000 /blog/?p=7393 Continue reading ]]> I think it is safe to say that all of us at some point in our career have felt overwhelmed while on the job. If this is the case for you and it feels like it happens more often than not, take a look at the tips below to try and help reduce your daily stress and ultimately reduce your feelings of being constantly overwhelmed.

First, you need to sit down and determine what one or two parts of your current role seem to be causing the most anxiety and stress. In other words, what tasks, if removed from your responsibilities, would help you feel less stressed out while at work. Once you have the main source of your anxiety pinpointed, determine if you can go at the project in a different way. If it is a large project, try and get it finished and off your plate. If the project has too many components and you are feeling overwhelmed in that regard, reach out your Supervisor or colleagues to see if they can lend a helping hand or ask if additional resources are feasible.

Try giving yourself a certain amount of time each day to work on specific tasks. By organizing your daily duties in a more efficient manner, this may allow you to focus on the more important and time sensitive projects first so you are not trying to do too much at once. In addition, if you feel like you are spending a large majority of your time putting out fires or helping to deal with small issues on your team, empower your team members to try and handle these issues on their own. Not all problems require escalation and the more you can limit these interruptions, the easier prioritizing your time will become.

Could part of your problem be that you are a perfectionist and that you feel your work is never up to your own standard? Surprisingly, this affects more people than you think, causing them to take longer on projects and sometimes even procrastinating just so they don’t have to handle the undue stress involved. For those of us that fall into this category, try asking yourself this question; “What is the true benefit of spending more time on this one specific project?” If the answer is not much or minimal, stop scrutinizing your own work and be done with it. Once you overcome the overwhelming need to perfect every project you are assigned, you can free yourself up to focus on more duties and tasks in a more timely manner.

Delegate, delegate, delegate. This tip cannot be stressed enough. If you have a team of colleagues that you are able to delegate tasks to, do not hesitate. Look at your currently assigned duties and determine what is truly the best use of your time. If you come across tasks that others on your team may have more time for and can handle, start assigning duties their way. It can sometimes be difficult to let go of certain tasks, especially if you have always been the one to do them, but by delegating these less than crucial duties, you will be surprised at how free you feel to focus on what is really important within your role. This can also empower your team and instill in them that they are truly an asset to you and your overall departmental goals.

A lot of the time, we can end up stressing ourselves out because we assume things regarding our role and assigned duties. For instance, you may have the assumption that if you can’t complete every single one of your task each day that you will be considered a failure and won’t be able to recover. Or if you turn down work, your colleagues may not see you as someone they can count on. While these concerns may be valid in some instances, in most cases, these type of worries just do not hold water. Try sitting down with your team and going over current workloads so everyone is aware of where they stand. By slowly debunking these assumptions overtime, you can reduce your stress and feeling of anxiety throughout the day.

Feeling overwhelmed while on the job is not a new concept but there are ways in which you can help to alleviate your own feelings of stress and anxiety while at work. By utilizing the tips above, you may be able to create a more well rounded workflow for not only yourself but your team as well.

The Trillium brand of companies is privately owned by René Poch and provides more than 30 years of industry leading recruitment and staffing services through its divisions including: Trillium Staffing, Trillium Construction Services, Trillium Driver Solutions, Trillium Technical, and Trillium Environmental. With approximately 100 offices nationwide and nearly 400 internal recruitment professionals, the Trillium brand is proud to be recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts as a Top 35th Largest Industrial Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Largest Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Fastest Growing Staffing Firm in the U.S., and a 2018 winner of National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For. For more information please visit


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As in Management and in Life, Anger is Not the Answer! /blog/as-in-management-and-in-life-anger-is-not-the-answer/ /blog/as-in-management-and-in-life-anger-is-not-the-answer/#respond Tue, 15 Jan 2019 14:11:48 +0000 /blog/?p=5989 Continue reading ]]> We’ve all had them; managers or supervisors that struggle with anger management issues, those who can’t handle stressful situations and those who tend to take out their frustrations on their employees. It is also no surprise that any one of these characteristics in the workplace can be detrimental to the health and well being of individuals and the team as a whole.


Employee retention and engagement seems to be on the minds of managers and supervisors everywhere, for good reason. However, those same managers need to make sure that they are not standing in their own way by allowing emotions and stressful situations to cause employees to second guess their employment. According to VitalSmarts, a leadership training company, 1 out of 3 managers have a difficult time handling stressful situations and this, in turn, adversely affects their employees. In fact, the report also found the following in regards to teams that are led by anger fueled leadership.

  • 62% of individuals would consider leaving their job
  • 56% would simply shut down dialogue and stop participating
  • 49% would be less likely to try any harder than the bare minimum
  • 47% would become angry and frustrated themselves

The bottom line is that anger tends to breed anger and frustration. The best way to solve any stressful situation in the workplace is to come together as a team. Getting angry, placing blame and withdrawing from the team dynamic can only make matters worse. In order for any workplace team to feel comfortable with handling stressful situations, the management and leadership teams need to make sure they are not only setting a positive example but also setting a precedence of what is and is not acceptable behavior in those circumstances.

The Trillium brand of companies is privately owned by René Poch and provides more than 30 years of industry leading recruitment and staffing services through its divisions including: Trillium Staffing, Trillium Construction Services, Trillium Driver Solutions, Trillium Marine, Trillium Technical, Trillium Environmental, Trillium Hospitality and Trillium Techs. With approximately 98 offices nationwide and nearly 400 internal recruitment professionals, the Trillium brand is proud to be recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts as a Top 25 Largest Industrial Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Largest Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Fastest Growing Staffing Firm in the U.S., and a winner of National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For. For more information please visit

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Importance of Work-Life Harmony, Not Necessarily Balance /blog/importance-of-work-life-harmony-not-necessarily-balance/ /blog/importance-of-work-life-harmony-not-necessarily-balance/#respond Tue, 04 Dec 2018 13:57:44 +0000 /blog/?p=5745 Continue reading ]]> The phrase “work-life balance” tends to get thrown around a lot in today’s job market as a crucial and integral part of what job seekers are looking for in a career. However, according to and Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos puts it, he isn’t a fan of the phrase at all. The word balance inherently gives the idea of there being a trade-off associated with your work life and your home life. According to Bezos, this should never be the case if you are to be successful and happy in all aspects of your life.


What does this mean exactly? The idea is that instead of your work life and home life competing with one another, they should be reciprocal in nature.

“If I am happy at home, I come into the office with tremendous energy,” said Bezos. “And if I am happy at work, I come home with tremendous energy. You never want to be that guy — and we all have a coworker who’s that person — who, as soon as they come into a meeting, they drain all the energy out of the room … You want to come into the office and give everyone a kick in their step.”

This ideal is something that Bezos strives to instill with all of his new Amazon employees and even Senior Executives to try and ensure that they stop looking at the relationship between work and home as a strict trade-off and more of a harmonious cyclical concept. The main idea is simple; if you’re happier at home, this opens up your ability to happier at work and visa versa. Coming into work or going home with a positive outlook can transfer to those around you and ultimately create a much healthier and happier environment at home and at work.

The Trillium brand of companies is privately owned by René Poch and provides more than 30 years of industry leading recruitment and staffing services through its divisions including: Trillium Staffing, Trillium Construction Services, Trillium Driver Solutions, Trillium Marine, Trillium Technical, Trillium Environmental, Trillium Hospitality and Trillium Techs. With approximately 98 offices nationwide and nearly 400 internal recruitment professionals, the Trillium brand is proud to be recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts as a Top 25 Largest Industrial Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Largest Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Fastest Growing Staffing Firm in the U.S., and a winner of National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For. For more information please visit

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Achieving A Great Work-Life Balance /blog/achieving-a-great-work-life-balance/ Thu, 20 Jun 2013 14:30:58 +0000 /blog/?p=1084 Continue reading ]]> Do you find yourself struggling to find a fair balance between your work and your personal life? You are far from alone. Changes to the traditional workforce following the recent recession, have resulted in employees handling more of a workload than their roles had required in the past.


Employees who struggle to find balance between their professional and personal lives can suffer from poor work performance, stress, exhaustion, illness, and depression. Often times employees who are unhappy with the balance between their work and personal lives are likely to experience turnover in their careers. Finding a suitable balance for yourself and your employer may be easier to do than you think. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Have a clear understanding of your professional obligations. Make sure that you are aware of what your employer expects of you and what they consider as above and beyond. Chances are some of the added stress and responsibilities that you find yourself overwhelmed with are not expectations for someone in your role.
  • Find out what workplace flexibilities are available to you. Does your employer offer flex time? Do they allow employees to work remotely on occasion? Today’s workplace offers more flexibility than ever before. With the technology available, employers are able to allow more staff to work from home with the same capabilities and accountability as working in the office.
  • Determine if you are working as efficiently as possible. Do you find yourself working overtime regularly? Chances are there are process improvements or delegations that could significantly cut down on your need to work over. The average worker spends as much as 28% of their day working on email! Set specific times of the day to check and respond to email, allowing you to be more efficient throughout the day. Unless your role requires you to be available after hours, consider turning off your email on mobile devices during your personal time. Remaining focused on your personal activities during your off time can help you make the most of your down time.
  • Create and maintain priorities for yourself. Realize and accept that you can’t always be involved in everything. Determine work and personal life priorities and create a plan to help you accomplish those tasks before taking on additional obligations. Communicate to those around you that while you’d love to be involved in everything that’s not realistic for you right now, you are setting priorities that will allow you to dedicate yourself to certain important events or projects.

While admitting to yourself and others that you cannot do everything is difficult, the ramifications of a poor work-life balance can be far worse. Be honest with those around you about what you are available for and accept the things that you cannot handle at the moment. Remember to take time for yourself. Most positions provide  vacation or personal time off, taking the time off that you have earned is important and can allow you to return to work refreshed and refocused.

Are you a stand out professional, skilled trades person, or technical professional seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job seekers section for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

