unemployed – Trillium Staffing https://pubblog.in.trilliumstaffing.com Your Partner at Work Tue, 16 Jul 2024 19:47:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.0.22 Do You Hire In New York City? New Law Prohibits The Discrimination Of The Unemployed! /blog/do-you-hire-in-new-york-city-new-law-prohibits-the-discrimination-of-the-unemployed/ Mon, 10 Jun 2013 18:29:03 +0000 /blog/?p=977 Continue reading ]]> Do you hire employees in New York City? If so, a new law goes into effect tomorrow, June 11, 2013 that prohibits employers from the discrimination of unemployed applicants. Whether you hire in New York City and will be directly impacted by this or not, this trend may impact your local market in the future as hiring trends become more of a hot topic in local and state politics. So who does this new law protect?

The law defines “unemployed” or “unemployment” as “not having a job, being available for work and seeking employment”. The new law was added as a recent amendment to the New York City Administrative Code and is intended to prevent employers and employment agencies from discriminating against applicants who are or have previously been unemployed. According to the law, it is illegal for an employer or employment agency to base employment decisions including hiring, compensation, conditions or privileges of employment on an applicant’s unemployment.


While it does prohibit employers from basing employment decisions on the applicant’s unemployed or previously unemployed status, it does protect several employer based decisions. According to the law, employers may still consider an applicant’s unemployment where there is a “substantially job related reason for doing so” and still reserve the right to inquire about the circumstances surrounding an applicant’s separation from previous employment. The new amendment also prevents employers or employment agencies from implying or stating that current employment is a requirement for a position.

The new law goes into effect on Tuesday June 11, 2013 which means immediate action should be taken for those who employ individuals in New York City. A thorough review of your hiring procedures, job advertisements, employee handbooks, and policies should be completed to ensure compliance with the new regulation. Make sure that all staff members or staffing partners who are involved in the recruiting, hiring, or marketing of positions for your organization are informed of the new regulations and are in compliance. Future regulations may arise in the near future for other locations as unemployment rates continue to gain national attention following the recession recovery.

Are you a stand out professional, technical professional, driver, or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job board  for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide.

Are You Laid Off? Read This! /blog/are-you-laid-off/ Wed, 23 Jan 2013 21:58:26 +0000 /blog/?p=544 Continue reading ]]> Whether you saw it coming or it was a complete surprise, a layoff is hard to deal with. Struggling with the stress, financial struggles, and the daunting task of where to look for your next career can quickly become overwhelming. In order to best move on in your future career you have to be able to move on from the past. Not sure where to start? Look here!


Losing a job, whether it was your dream career or a dead end job can be devastating blow to your emotions. It’s important to process it and move on so you aren’t dragging the excess baggage to your next position. Here are some great starting points.

  • Keep it private at first. The anger, hurt, and depression that may come directly following the layoff can be difficult to deal with. Speaking negativity towards your former employer or co-workers can reflect poorly on you. Until you have come to grips with the change, it’s best to keep the news to those you are closest to and can entrust not to gossip outwardly.
  • Grieve the loss. Losing the day to day friendships and relationships with co-workers and clients can be difficult to deal with. Be sure to take time for yourself to deal with all of the losses that come with the layoff. Avoid the temptation to vent or rant to these audiences as it can have a negative impact on your personal reputation and future career endeavors.
  • Find the positives. In upcoming interviews you’ll need to be able to speak about your layoff without sounding angry or trashing your former employer. Determine the positives from the situation. Does this allow you to find a career with more advancement opportunities? Are you looking forward to a shorter daily commute? Highlight the growth and experiences that you gained during this employment and put your emphasis on these areas.
  • Prepare yourself. Now is a great time to cut back on unnecessary expenses. Cutting back early on will better prepare you to handle your finances and not jump into another position just to make ends meet. Often times these are expenses that you can avoid even after taking a new position.
  • Do your research. Take some time to determine what you liked most about your previous positions and what you’d like to avoid in future careers. Make a list and tailor your career search around these. Make a list of your greatest professional accomplishments. Be sure to highlight these on your updated resume.
  • Seek Professional Assistance. Become familiar with the companies in your area. Who offers the best compensation and benefits? Who has a reputation for being a great employer? Who’s business initiatives best align with your career ambitions? Partnering with a staffing firm or executive recruiter can provide you with great insight to these areas and help you find an organization that best suits your future goals. They can also assist you with resume and interviewing tips.
  • Notify your network. Do you have a Linked-In profile? Now would be a great time to update your profile and let your network know you’re seeking your next career. Speak to others who are familiar with your work and see if they have any career recommendations for you.
  • Remain confident. It often takes time to land a new position. Avoid letting your frustration show through in interviews and correspondence with others. Now is a great time to show others how well you can deal with pressure.

Dealing with a layoff is sure to be difficult. A great way to improve your likelihood of finding a new career quickly is to remain positive and confident in your skills and accomplishments. If you are struggling to locate a career that is aligned with your goals and ambitions, consider speaking to others in your network or contact an industry specialized staffing firm.

Are you a stand out professional or skilled worker seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job seekers section for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.
