Promotions – Trillium Staffing Your Partner at Work Tue, 16 Jul 2024 19:47:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Office Etiquette Tips /blog/office-etiquette-tips/ Wed, 15 May 2013 13:59:48 +0000 /blog/?p=888 Continue reading ]]> Have you ever wondered why you were not selected for a promotion or aren’t being considered for other opportunities in your organization? Your demeanor and office etiquette may be to blame. Here are some great tips to help you excel in an office setting!


  • Be attentive. Show that you are dedicated and focused to the organization by avoiding distractions such as a ringing cell phone, interrupting others while they speak, or handling personal matters on the clock. Show your co-workers and leaders that they have your undivided attention in meetings by asking questions, contributing to the conversation, and taking notes. Even if your company does not have a policy against social media, keep in mind that engaging in social media discussions that are not directly related to your work responsibilities that are conducted during work hours can quickly give the impression to those around you, including management that you are not engaged or dedicated to your role.
  • Be professional. Casual attire, inappropriate attire, and personal conversations can lead to others not taking you seriously as a professional. Limiting your personal conversations can show your superiors that you are focused and dedicated to your role in the organization. Even off the clock keep conversations with co-workers including those that take place on social media professional and appropriate.
  • Be orderly. Leaving the break room, your desk, or any other area of the office untidy is unacceptable. If your office is consistently untidy, others may get the impression that you are unorganized or unable to handle your workload. Leaving common areas of the office untidy can make those around you feel that you don’t respect them or their use of the common space.
  • Be engaged. Take an active interest in others in the workplace, especially outside of your department. Having a better understanding of other departmental goals and initiatives may help you develop processes or services that could better service the organization as a whole. Be friendly, professional, and courteous to everyone in the office regardless of their position with the company. Treating and respecting every member of the team is a sign of a strong leader. Keep in mind you may work under or directly with anyone in the organization at some point and time and establishing a level of respect and a working relationship with them prior to, could certainly help you collaborate easier in the future.
  • Acknowledge others. Everyone appreciates being recognized for their contributions in the workplace. Acknowledge others around you for their contributions to the organization by citing specific things they have done and accomplished while acknowledging how that helps the organization as a whole. When employees and team members feel appreciated they tend to be more motivated, loyal, and likely to assist other members of the team when they feel that their contributions will be recognized.

Regardless of the size of your company, common courtesy and respect are crucial to establishing a strong reputation as a professional and a team player. Those who are seen as a leader and respected professional by employees of all level are often those that are targeted for supervisory roles or roles including more responsibility.

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Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

