Originating in Battle Creek, Michigan in February 1984, Poch has grown the brand of staffing companies to extend to more than 100 locations nationwide and several brands including Trillium Staffing, Trillium Professional, Trillium Driver Solutions and Trillium Construction Services.
Trillium has received several national recognitions over the years including Fastest Growing Staffing Firm in the US, Best Staffing Company to Work For, National Best and Brightest Company and more.
“We’re delighted to celebrate this major milestone in business and the growth and development of not only the business but more importantly our talented teams. Our compilation of diverse niches, client companies, talented field staff and dynamic internal staff have allowed us to continue to grow while not losing sight of the most important piece of what we do, which is helping talent grow personally and professionally”. – René Poch, CEO
Trillium will be celebrating their 40th anniversary year by conducting more than 40 acts of giving back to the communities that have welcomed and embraced their business.
The Trillium brand of companies is privately owned by René Poch and provides 40 years of industry leading recruitment and staffing services through its divisions including: Trillium Staffing, Trillium Construction Services, Trillium Driver Solutions, Trillium Marine, Trillium Technical, Trillium Environmental, Trillium Hospitality and Trillium Techs. With approximately 100 offices nationwide and nearly 400 internal recruitment professionals, the Trillium brand is proud to be recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts as a Top 25 Largest Industrial Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Largest Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Fastest Growing Staffing Firm in the U.S., and a winner of National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For. For more information please visit www.trilliumstaffing.com.
]]>Marijuana legalization is creating the same kind of problem regarding what to do about professional drivers who test positive for marijuana. For CDL drivers, it’s easy. It is prohibited for CDL drivers to use marijuana under any circumstances, even if the substance is legal in the state in which they reside. Even if a driver consumes a prohibited cannabis product in their off hours in a state where it is legal, if they test positive for it later, they may still be in violation of the Department of Transportation’s zero-tolerance policy at the federal level.
For non-CDL drivers, the employer testing is optional. However, if a driver with a CDL license tests positive for marijuana use, they are also prohibited from driving non-CDL vehicles until they pass the return-to-duty test: another drug test administered under direct supervision. Does that all sound confusing? That’s because it is.
Add to this already tangled web of marijuana laws and efforts to keep the roads safe from drivers under the influence the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Enforcement Assistance and Marketplace Modernization Act (NJCREAMMA), passed in February of 2021. Among other things, NJCREAMMA prohibits employers from taking adverse employment action against employees who test positive for cannabinoid metabolites in their blood or other bodily fluids. In theory, this means that an employer cannot refuse to hire, fire, or discipline an employee who has been shown to have used cannabis. However, NJCREAMMA also upholds the right of employers to maintain a drug and alcohol-free workplace. Therefore, the regulation allows employers to make rules regarding the consumption, use, or influence of marijuana or marijuana products while at work.
At the time of the Act’s original issuance, employers could require employees to submit to a drug test under the following circumstances:
Under NJCREAMMA, the term “drug test” has been redefined to mean a process using reliable, scientific drug-testing methods administered at work, during work hours (blood, urine, saliva tests) AND an evaluation of person certified as a Workplace Impairment Recognition Expert (WIRE). If both the bodily fluid test and the WIRE evaluation show the employee is under the influence during work hours, the employer may then take adverse employment action. The problem? The state had yet to issue guidance or training protocols for the WIREs.
To that end, the state issued interim guidance in September of 2022 until WIREs can be identified and trained for each workplace. The interim guidance essentially upholds the previous legislation regarding prohibition of adverse employment action unless evidence-based documentation of physical signs of cannabis use or signs of impairment are present. This stop-gap guidance also provides suggestions to help identify signs of impairment due to marijuana use, according to SafetyNews Alert.
California has also recently passed similar legislation preventing adverse employment action against employees who test positive for cannabinoid metabolites. The New Jersey and California laws do not apply to those in certain industries (including CDL holders, as well as federal agency contractors and grantees) and cannot preempt any state or federal laws that require a clean drug test as a condition of employment. However, non-CDL drivers can theoretically use cannabis outside of working hours within these states.
Drug test manufacturers and concerned employers are looking for ways to test for actual impairment on the job, such as employee tests against their own baseline performance and tests for the presence of active THC, the compound that creates the high, in the blood. Until these testing methods have been established, employers must keep a watchful eye out for signs of employee impairment in non-CDL drivers in New Jersey and California.
Disclaimer: This document and any discussions set forth are for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice.
Ensure distraction-free driving
Backpack-laden children will soon be out in force walking to school buildings from homes and parked cars, or riding bikes, scooters, or skateboards. Unfortunately, children aren’t always the most safety conscious. That’s why it is up to drivers to be vigilant, avoiding distractions like phones, eating and drinking, or even attempting to use GPS while in motion. Pay extra attention when backing up as well, as you never know when a child might pop up unexpectedly behind you.
Beware of glare
Although most associate sunnier days with summer, it is actually in fall when the glare is at its worst, due to the sun’s position in the sky being lower during fall and winter months. The lower position of the sun hits the eyes of drivers at a more direct angle, sometimes completely obscuring a driver’s view of the road, other vehicles, and pedestrians. Unfortunately, peak glare time for the A.M. often corresponds to the times when schoolchildren might be walking or driving home from school. In order to increase visibility even when the glare gets severe, keep your windshield clean, remove any obstructions from your dashboard, and be sure to keep polarized sunglasses in your vehicle at all times.
Watch for school zones & bus stops
Although it is typically better to stick to highways and interstates to avoid back-to-school traffic, there will be times when taking backroads is unavoidable. Therefore, it is important to be aware of any school zones and bus stops you may encounter, especially when it may be less clear where schools are located when driving on backroads. When possible, avoid school zones altogether. If you can’t avoid them, give yourself extra time as the speed limit is at least 10 MPH slower.
Just being aware of these safety challenges can go a long way to improve the well-being of schoolchildren and drivers alike.
]]>“Many years ago when we started the company we felt that there were a couple of things that we needed to do particularly well. The first was to give great customer service, that means finding the absolute best candidate for the jobs that we have available. Today, we use a partnership approach between our candidates and our clients to find the best possible career matches,” states René Poch, CEO.
Trillium Staffing was founded in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1984, by founder and CEO René Poch. Since that time, René Poch has steadily expanded the employment service to include seven companies with over 100 locations across the nation. Today, Trillium is proud to be recognized as a national leader in recruitment and staffing, providing service to thousands of clients and employees in various capacities across the country.
The organization’s commitment to excellence has been the driving force behind its growth and expansion. Trillium is proud to employ a full time risk management team to help clients identify areas of liability and provide an unsurpassed safety program for their employees.
With a recruitment team of approximately 400 individuals nationwide, Trillium excels at attracting, identifying, and recruiting some of the best candidates in each line of work. Trillium uses the latest technology and sourcing tools available to locate and identify talent for some of the industry’s hardest to fill positions. Trillium employees have access to careers with some of the nation’s leading employers along with competitive pay and benefit options.
“We have the same commitments to each and every one of our employees as we do our clients. We have high expectations and our requirements are stringent. Once you become an employee of Trillium, we’ll do everything in our power to help you succeed and meet your career goals. When our employees are successful, we’ve done our job,” stated René Poch, CEO.
The Trillium brand of companies is privately owned by René Poch and provides more than 30 years of industry leading recruitment and staffing services through its divisions including: Trillium Staffing, Trillium Construction Services, Trillium Driver Solutions, Trillium Accounting and Finance, and Trillium Technical. With approximately 100 offices nationwide and nearly 400 internal recruitment professionals, the Trillium brand is proud to be recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts as a Top 100 Largest Staffing Firm in the U.S., and a 2022 winner of National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For. For more information please visit www.trilliumstaffing.com.
]]>For those who make a living driving trucks, heatwaves can be problematic. According to a 2018 study published in Temperature, cars parked in the sun on a hot day can go from 85 degrees to 116 degrees in just an hour due to the way heat and humidity can become trapped inside an enclosed space. This means that just being inside of a vehicle without the air conditioning on can be a dangerous prospect, even with the windows open.
Of course, most truck drivers do much more in the course of their busy days that can cause harm to their bodies in extreme heat such as securing a load, inspecting the truck, or parking in a no-idle space without shade, not to mention manual labor tasks such as loading and unloading freight with a pallet jack, hand cart, etc. Due to the nature of the occupation, drivers may find themselves at a higher risk of heat-related health complications such as heat exhaustion or its more serious cousin, heatstroke.
How to recognize heatstroke
In the summer months, drivers should remain aware of symptoms of heatstroke so they can recognize the signs and seek immediate the medical attention required by this condition. Without treatment, heatstroke can lead to serious health complications and cause damage to your heart, brain, muscles, and kidneys, and can even lead to death. The damage increases over time without proper medical treatment, so do not delay seeking treatment if heatstroke is suspected.
The most common heatstroke symptoms include the following and can happen suddenly—within 10-15 minutes if body temperatures rise above 106 degrees.
Preventing heatstroke
The best treatment for heatstroke is obviously to avoid it altogether. Here are a few ways to keep cool during high temps.
Extreme heat is the deadliest weather condition and should be taken seriously. Be aware that health conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes, as well as certain medications can increase your risk of an extreme reaction to heat. Make sure to take proper precautions when working in high temps to keep yourself safe and healthy. If heatstroke is suspected, seek professional medical attention immediately so you can continue to enjoy all the other perks of summertime for many years to come.
Part of our safety-oriented culture at TDS is making sure our high safety standards are met, even when it can be difficult to find & retain the right qualified driver.
Since the trucking industry is still searching for ways to increase the availability of drivers, retention is truly the name of the game with fewer overall candidates. Safety is a major part of keeping the qualified drivers you want since the best drivers want a safe working environment with co-workers and supervisors who are equally safety aware.
Retention starts with recruiting
Good driver retention begins at the initial hiring process. Too often what the client wants and what the driver needs are not communicated effectively, which leads to high turnover. Miscommunication or ineffective vetting processes can also lead to lapses in safety if a driver is sent to a job where the physical or equipment requirements are beyond what they can handle. That’s why, when vetting driver candidates at TDS, we start by making sure we have the right person in the right role. For example, if the job requires heavy lifting or the use of specific equipment, we make sure the candidate has quality experience with those needs. We look at all their past employment history, so we have a record of all of their work experience. We make sure to clearly communicate the expectations of the client to the candidate before they are sent on the job.
Another important step to our process is a deep dive on the safety history of every driver we hire. We check their state DMV Motor Vehicle Record (MVR), along with PSP and DAC reports upon client request. These reports enable us to screen out any candidates that have a history of poor driving or other safety violations.
Retention doesn’t stop with the hire
One complaint we often hear from drivers recruited by companies or individuals other than TDS, is that after they are hired, the recruiters that seemed so interested in helping them find the right role suddenly disappear. At TDS, our relationship with our drivers is important to us, even after they are placed. Our team is in constant communication with our placements to ensure they are happy with the position. We check in with our drivers to make sure all safety standards are met by the customer. Our drivers know they are valuable assets, and our team treats them as such.
We offer referral bonus programs to all of our drivers to send other qualified candidates our way. The referral program is open even to drivers who have left TDS for whatever reason. Not only do we consider our drivers part of the TDS family but maintaining great relationships with former drivers is also a valuable recruitment source. A good referral from a qualified and safe driver means a lot more to us than data sent from a job posting site.
Recruiting and retaining drivers is a tough business these days, but if we maintain a focus based on safety and quality relationships with our drivers, it is a challenge we can certainly meet.
“It remains a humbling experience any time our incredible staff is recognized for their performance. Our teams work exceptionally hard to partner the best possible match of talent and career opportunity so this award being based off of the direct feedback of clients and job seekers is incredibly special to us.” -Jenna Mathieu, Director of Marketing
Trillium was ranked 113 out of more than 22,000 nominations in the country. The award ranking is based on an independent survey of peers and clients. Feedback from external recruiters, hiring managers at client companies and job seekers are considered. The full list of winners is available on Forbes website.
The Trillium brand of companies is privately owned by René Poch and provides more than 30 years of industry leading recruitment and staffing services through its divisions including: Trillium Staffing, Trillium Construction Services, Trillium Driver Solutions, Trillium Accounting and Finance, and Trillium Technical. With approximately 100 offices nationwide and nearly 400 internal recruitment professionals, the Trillium brand is proud to be recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts as a Top 100 Largest Staffing Firm in the U.S., and a 2021 winner of National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For. For more information please visit www.trilliumstaffing.com.
As a driver, you have been given a huge responsibility. Everyone is counting on you to get the goods to the proper destination quickly and safely. You take safety seriously, but even the most experienced drivers can sometimes get distracted. The number one distraction for drivers today? Our cell phones. Even in hand-free mode, multiple studies have shown that drivers could be missing up to half of the visual stimuli around them.
Here’s a disturbing statistic for you. According to the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA), taking your eyes off the road for a single text while traveling 55 MPH is equal to driving with your eyes closed for the length of an entire football field. Imagine your family members and loved ones surrounded by people driving with their eyes closed at high speeds, perhaps even in a large commercial vehicle. Talk about a sobering reminder of the importance of staying focused while driving!
The NHTSA reported that 3,142 people were killed in distracted driving accidents in 2019, accounting for 8.7% of all crash fatalities that year. Because of the high risk involved, handheld devices have been banned for drivers of commercial vehicles since 2011.
To put it simply, multitasking, especially while driving, is a myth. The human mind simply cannot devote equal attention to multiple tasks at the same time. Any task that takes your mind off the road should be avoided if possible. Not only is distracted driving a major safety concern, it also carries hefty penalties, which include the following:
· Up to $2,750 in fines per offense for drivers
· Up to $11,000 in fines for employers who allow or require drivers to use handheld devices
· Possible driver disqualification for repeat offenders
· Negative impact on Safety Measurement System (SMS) results
What actions count as using devices illegally?
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), you may be fined for the following actions:
· Using at least one hand to hold a mobile phone to make a call
· Dialing a mobile phone by pressing more than a single button
· Reaching for a mobile phone in a manner that requires a driver to maneuver so that he or she is no longer in a seated driving position, restrained by a seat belt
Staying in touch while avoiding distracted driving
Now you understand why distracted driving is a problem. But how can you stay in touch for important messages or calls while still maintaining a safe focus on the road? Luckily, your mobile phone can actually help with some special setting features.
For Apple Users:
Set up the Driving Focus to silence or limit messages and other notifications. Just go to Settings, then Focus. Tap the + sign in the upper right-hand corner and select “Driving.” You can customize the Driving Focus feature to allow specific contacts or allow emergency notifications. Through Driving Focus, you can also automatically share with others that your notifications are silenced so your contacts know you are waiting to respond until you safely reach your destination, or choose an auto-reply to let contacts know you are unavailable. Driving Focus can be set up to turn on automatically for a “set it and forget it” option that always keeps your driving free of mobile phone distractions.
For Android Users:
For every phone with Android 9 or newer, users can set up Focus Mode. Go to Settings, then Digital Wellbeing. You can also search “Focus Mode” under Settings. From there, you are presented with a list of distracting apps. You can choose which ones to silence in Focus Mode and which ones to leave active. Focus Mode can also be added to the Quick Settings menu to more easily turn it on and off.
With just a few taps, you can do your part to keep the roads a safer place for all drivers. You can also spread the word about the dangers of distracted driving to other drivers, your friends, and family. As awareness increases, it is our hope at Trillium Driver Solutions that safety increases as well.
“Many years ago when we started the company we felt that there were a couple of things that we needed to do particularly well. The first was to give great customer service, that means finding the absolute best candidate for the jobs that we have available. Today, we use a partnership approach between our candidates and our clients to find the best possible career matches,” states René Poch, CEO.
Trillium Staffing was founded in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1984, by founder and CEO René Poch. Since that time, René Poch has steadily expanded the employment service to include seven companies with over 100 locations across the nation. Today, Trillium is proud to be recognized as a national leader in recruitment and staffing, providing service to thousands of clients and employees in various capacities across the country.
The organization’s commitment to excellence has been the driving force behind its growth and expansion. Trillium is proud to employ a full time risk management team to help clients identify areas of liability and provide an unsurpassed safety program for their employees.
With a recruitment team of approximately 400 individuals nationwide, Trillium excels at attracting, identifying, and recruiting some of the best candidates in each line of work. Trillium uses the latest technology and sourcing tools available to locate and identify talent for some of the industry’s hardest to fill positions. Trillium employees have access to careers with some of the nation’s leading employers along with competitive pay and benefit options.
“We have the same commitments to each and every one of our employees as we do our clients. We have high expectations and our requirements are stringent. Once you become an employee of Trillium, we’ll do everything in our power to help you succeed and meet your career goals. When our employees are successful, we’ve done our job,” stated René Poch, CEO.
The Trillium brand of companies is privately owned by René Poch and provides more than 30 years of industry leading recruitment and staffing services through its divisions including: Trillium Staffing, Trillium Construction Services, Trillium Driver Solutions, Trillium Accounting and Finance, and Trillium Technical. With approximately 100 offices nationwide and nearly 400 internal recruitment professionals, the Trillium brand is proud to be recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts as a Top 100 Largest Staffing Firm in the U.S., and a 2020 winner of National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For. For more information please visit www.trilliumstaffing.com.
Mike D. – Appleton Construction Office
Mike started with Trillium on 11/30/2020. “He came into the office to do all his paperwork and pick up his PPE the day after thanksgiving to ensure he could go out the next Monday. Right away I knew he had the drive to get to work,” stated Ryan Thomas, Appleton Branch Manager.
Joe “Scott” E. – Cleveland Construction Office
Scott has been working for Trillium since 2019. He started working for the Cleveland branch in 2020 and has been working for the same client ever since.
Joey H. – San Bernardino Construction Office
Joey started with Trillium in May 2020. His first assignment was as a Laborer and is now a Solar lead. Joey’s assignments have taken him to Oklahoma, Texas and Wisconsin installing solar systems all over.
Joe H. – Denver Construction Office
“Joe has been the go to guy for us! Joe has been the foundation of our project team, and has been a great leader in our combined effort to complete a very complex project. Our customer has asked for Joe specifically to come back and help with additional work and Joe has proven to be a top talent in the electrical industry with his skills and customer relationships,” stated Brian, Senior Superintendent.
“I am grateful for receiving the employee of the year award. I thank the amazing team at Trillium for their incredible support. Without them, this achievement would not be possible. I also recognize the accomplishments of my fellow tradesmen and tradeswomen and supervisors, many of whom personally contributed to my success and professional growth. I look forward to another exciting year. Cheers to the #1 Staffing Agency!” – Joe H.
Leon M. – Baltimore Drivers Office
Leon Marks started with Trillium in April of 2018. Leon has always been dependable, hardworking, and honest in everything he does to represent Trillium. While working with trillium Leon did face a serious health concern but he still managed to keep in contact with his managers every day to give updates. Everyone wanted the best for Leon and couldn’t wait for him to come back to work because he was that great of an employee.
Each winner will receive a YETI backpack cooler and an award commemorating their accomplishments over the past year. Thank you so much for your amazing hard work, dedication and loyalty!
The Trillium brand of companies is privately owned by René Poch and provides more than 30 years of industry leading recruitment and staffing services through its divisions including: Trillium Staffing, Trillium Construction Services, Trillium Driver Solutions and Trillium Technical. With approximately 100 offices nationwide and nearly 400 internal recruitment professionals, the Trillium brand is proud to be recognized by Staffing Industry Analysts as a Top 35th Largest Industrial Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Largest Staffing Firm in the U.S., a Top 100 Fastest Growing Staffing Firm in the U.S., and a 2020 winner of National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For. For more information please visit www.trilliumstaffing.com.